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AS4 Certificate Management:
Comply with EDI@Energy & SM-PKI

Acquire, manage, search, and store certificates according to the BSI Smart Metering PKI requirements
AS4 certificate procurement via Zertificon only available
in combination with Z1 Energy
Automated management of AS4 certificates of the Smart Metering PKI

Automated certificate management with Z1 Energy

Easily manage all AS4 and email certificates for your market communication, schedule data and Redispatch 2.0.

  • Automated management of your own certificates, including procurement and reissuance via the Smart Metering PKI
  • Automated management of partner certificates
  • Automated validation of certificates before encryption and for signature verification
  • User-friendly manual management of both internal and external certificates (import/export and advanced validation)
  • Notifications before certificates renew automatically to ensure complete transparency
  • Automated certificate renewal according to the Certificate Lifecycle Policy

Certificate procurement with Zertificon is affordable and convenient


AS4 certificate triple of the SM-PKI Sub-CA DARZ.CA

Zertificon offers AS4 certificate triples in combination with our solution Z1 Energy. The certificate triples are from the registered Sub-CA DARZ.CA. We offer competitive pricing and a smooth process for purchasing and renewing certificates that comply with all requirements. Additionally, we can assist with test-CA-certificates.

Contact us today, as obtaining new AS4 certificate triples can take some time.

EMail Zertifikate

Email certificates according to EDI@Energy standards using RSASSA-PSS algorithm via SwissSign

Furthermore, you can obtain S/MIME email certificates in compliance with the EDI@Energy guidelines for exchanging schedule data and Redispatch 2.0 messages directly through Zertificon. Our partner for email certificates is the certification authority SwissSign.

As email will serve as a fallback option for schedules transmission, energy companies with roles such as Balancing Responsible Parties (BRP) and Transmission System Operators (TSO) are likely to continue using S/MIME email certificates that meet EDI@Energy standards.

To learn more about this topic, please read our blog post: AS4 switch in Market Communication: BRPs face unique challenges in future schedule management.

Certificates from Zertificon can only be ordered in combination with the
Z1 software solution

You can order S/MIME and AS4 certificates from Zertificon only when using our Z1 products. In order to begin receiving certificates via our interfaces, you must have access to certain features within our Z1 software. However, if you’re only looking to purchase certificates, we recommend contacting the CA of your preference.

Please note that Zertificon does not offer AS4 or email certificates as standalone products.

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