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Z1 SecureMail ONE
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Email encryption with
Employment Agencies
Encrypt and sign GDPR compliant emails automatically

Personal data is inherently transferred in exchanges with the Federal Employment Agency (BA) or job centers. Since, for example, anonymization is not possible for employers and education providers in specific cases, data processing, which includes sending emails, must be encrypted according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Automate encrypted communication with the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and job centers with Z1 SecureMail.
Email encryption with the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and job centers with S/MIME certificates
Employee and group mailboxes of the Federal Employment Agency and associated job centers are equipped with X.509 certificates for encrypted email communication, as per S/MIME standard. The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) of the Federal Employment Agency, which issues these email certificates, is among over 80 accepted certificate authorities in our freely accessible certificate portal Z1 Global TrustPoint. In some cases, independent job centers of the Authorized Local Government Providers (zKT) also use S/MIME certificates. These certificates are also listed in Z1 Global TrustPoint through their commercial providers.
Our Z1 SecureMail Gateway can handle all S/MIME-based encrypted email communication – including signatures’ placement and validation. All in a fully automated manner, including exchanges with the Federal Employment Agency and job centers.
Send encrypted emails to the Federal Employment Agency (BA)
Central security policies safeguard your email exchange with the employment agency
As is the case for any communication relationship where communication must be exclusively encrypted, establishing a central security policy is considered the best practice for email exchanges with the Federal Employment Agency. The Z1 SecureMail policy is set by your administrator for all emails at your Z1 SecureMail product: every email with a recipient address of the “arbeitsagentur.de” domain, “jobcenter-ge.de” domain, or the regional subdomains are encrypted. The rules need to be configured centrally only once so that all employees can automatically encrypt emails to the employment agency without actively triggering encryption themselves.

Find Federal Employment Agency and Job center certificates in Z1 Global TrustPoint
To send an encrypted email to the Employment Agency, you need the S/MIME certificate of the employee or the group mailbox with whom you want to communicate. Anyone can find the Federal Employment Agency certificates through the technical interface of Z1 Global TrustPoint. All of our customers’ Z1 SecureMail Gateways are directly connected to Z1 Global TrustPoint. Therefore you can automatically find the appropriate certificate for your respective communication partners. Before use, the certificates are automatically checked so that only valid email certificates are used for encryption.
Receive encrypted emails from the Federal Employment Agency

The gateway also decrypts incoming emails from the Federal Employment Agency and validates the signatures.
To receive encrypted messages from the Federal Employment Agency, you must first make your own certificates available to the agency and add contact data. Z1 Global TrustPoint also simplifies the process of certificate transfer to the Federal Employment Agency: Your Z1 SecureMail Gateway publishes your certificates to the Z1 Global TrustPoint, through which, in turn, the Federal Employment Agency can retrieve the latest status at any time by using the freely available standard interfaces.
Even without a Z1 SecureMail product, you can publish your own certificates at Z1 Global TrustPoint
Any company can publish their own S/MIME certificates to the Z1 Global TrustPoint. Certificate Authorities (CAs) or trust centers go through a short vetting process before being included. Public email certificates with validity status can then be easily found by any communication partner.
The advantage for Zertificon customers
With the Z1 SecureMail Gateway, automatic certificate publication at the Z1 Global TrustPoint is already preset. All certificate status updates are transmitted in real-time, such as certificate revocations, renewals, etc.
How does the Z1 SecureMail Gateway affect secure email handling processes?

Your employees can concentrate entirely on their actual communication as they do not need to worry about encrypting emails or certificate management. There is no additional effort even if contact persons change or employees communicate with different offices and group mailboxes. Zertificon’s Z1 SecureMail automatically and centrally encrypts and signs emails at the gateway. Your employees do not need any training, and their usual workflows remain unchanged when exchanging emails.
The entire encryption and signature verification processes remain verifiable at all times. A glance at the mail flow provides this information. And detailed logs can be stored for years. Data protection of email communication is fully guaranteed with encryption and signature. The solution can be used for 100% GDPR-compliant communication.
Z1 SecureMail includes secure mail exchange with applicants, too
Whether you are transmitting personal data to the payroll office, some health insurance companies or the employment agency or job center, your company is very well equipped to send GDPR-compliant emails with Z1 SecureMail. Z1 SecureMail has encryption functionality with secure passwords for communication with applicants. The emails are then delivered via a secure web portal. Everything remains the same for your employees. There is no additional work involved since password management, including the “forgot password” function, is also automated.
Email encryption with the Federal Employment Agency is included in any Z1 SecureMail product
Encryption with the Federal Employment Agency is part of the basic feature set for all customers with an active “S/MIME encryption and signature” license. You do not need a special module, nor do you require further licensing.
For companies with up to 100 email addresses with their own mail server or M365 or Google Workspace, we recommend the cost-effective package Z1 SecureMail ONE: the encryption gateway for SMEs – from EUR 5 per user per month including email certificates as part of CertMagic®.